November 14th Weekly Release Notes

The good/bad news is that I no longer have a day job and can dedicate all of my time to FantasySP for the next few months. I plan to take it easy this week so my brain can recharge. (It’s tough working a full-time job and a side project 7 days a week for nearly a year)  What I will say is that there is nothing quite like working on your own project and making all the decisions.   I just got done planning the next few weeks of development for the site.    I am incredibly excited to get to work on them and show you guys ideas that I have been cooking up.

I will leave you to this weeks release notes:

  • Player Alert emails now show proper threshold of low, medium, or high
  • Major syncing fix
  • Forum has been killed due to lack of usage and spam
  • jquery has been updated to 1.7
  • New Relic server monitoring just went live and has been installed
  • backend stat tracking has been updated

Author: Brant Tedeschi

I'm Brant Tedeschi, a web developer and entrepreneur, from New Jersey with a degree in history from Monmouth University. I've been developing start-ups for the past 6 years and am the founder and lead developer of FantasySP. Follow me on Twitter or Google+

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