The long awaited FantasySP project is finally live. Introducing Career Timeline! As you guys already know, FantasySP collects A LOT of articles each and every day from hundreds of sources. We also keep track of how our fans interact with the stories we collect. Up until now, there was no way to visualize all of the articles we have for each player.
Career Timeline allows us to visualize an entire player’s career! How about reliving Linsanity or Peyton Manning’s free agency whirlwind from March. Skip around each year and month and visualize in graph form which months the player generated the most buzz. Then scroll down to see what all the fuss was about.
I’ve had this idea in my head to create the site for months and I finally had the time to get it done. It was quite a challenge to get everything working, but I am more than happy with how it all came out.
Enjoy Player Careers and next week will be back to regular FantasySP release notes.