December 5th Weekly Release Notes

This weeks release notes is jam packed full of features and updates.  Every couple of months I like to give FantasySP some design tweaks, and I felt that the site is due for another round of refreshment. Not all of my changes have been implemented quite yet, but they are planned and some of them can already be seen this week.  There are significant changes coming in terms of the design, usability, and upgrade process to the site.

This weeks biggest changes can be seen on Mobile FantasySP, which has not had many visual tweaks done to it in some time.  My goal is to further increase readability and make the design feel fresher with more color contrast.  My changes were inspired by BleacherReport’s latest mobile design.  Along with the mobile design changes you’ll notice that the main site has a lot of visual changes as well.

Another major change is the addition of Fantasy Ratings based on starting lineups and full rosters.  Almost a week’s worth of ratings have already been collected and this should give you guys another spin on the best teams in your synced league.

Here is the full list of changes this week:

  • Mobile Site Refresh, increasing readability and adding a bit of color.
  • Fantasy Transaction notifications have been added. You’ll notice a red box next to “Trans” in your User Panel indicating new transactions have been collected since you last looked.
  • Player alert settings panel has an updated description.
  • Starting Lineup Fantasy Ratings have been added.  Included in this update is a revamped design with a better Fantasy Rating league page. You can now switch between full roster and starting lineup.  For example check out my league.  (Possibly more to come with this).
  • Fixed league ratings not updating sometimes.
  • Major fix for “empty query” bug.  This was annoying me for quite awhile and I finally squashed it. Wahoo!
  • Redesign of the Sync/Import fantasy league table.  Looks a lot cleaner now.
  • Quite a few background tweaks/additions to fix various problems.

November 28th Weekly Release Notes

The final week of November means the fantasy football playoffs are just about here.  With an injury riddled season it has been a very tough year for just about every team. Now, its just a matter of holding it together to make it into the playoffs and from then on anything is possible.

Here is this weeks release notes:

  • Transactions are no longer free for all users. To view full league transactions a user must be on a trial period or a paying member.
  • Initial podslice implementation is done, but awaiting last minute fixes before going live.
  • Player Alerts have proper naming associated with them. Low means less alerts and High means more alerts. (This was backwards before.)
  • Player Alert settings change via email link has been updated to include a more detailed explanation of what you changed and how it effects your alerts.
  • Mobile Transactions are now live!  View your transactions on the go for any league. (AWESOME!)
  • Mobile site has minor facelift next to the logo. It now shows links for “News”, “Teams”, “Trans” plus your user name.
  • RSS Feed datetime has been fixed. Its been an hour off since daylight savings time (thanks wtapppp)

November 21st Weekly Release Notes – Introducing Lineup Status

The first significant update in the month of November is all about your synced fantasy teams.  FantasySP is now able to detect each team’s starters, bench, and injured players.  The benefits of this can be seen immediately throughout the site in the following ways:

  • My News now shades player names in gray if they are reserve/benched players
  • My News has the ability to hide reserve players or show the full roster
  • My Teams shows a breakdown of your lineup based on active/bench/injured
This is just the beginning of course.  Soon I will be applying these changes to fantasy team ratings to more accurately score teams based on their starting rosters AND their entire roster.  As you might imagine, this will change greatly week to week and day to day based on your lineup moves.  My goal is to start working on that feature next.
Keep in mind this will be a shortened work week due to Thanksgiving in America, but I’ll see what I can get done. 🙂

November 14th Weekly Release Notes

The good/bad news is that I no longer have a day job and can dedicate all of my time to FantasySP for the next few months. I plan to take it easy this week so my brain can recharge. (It’s tough working a full-time job and a side project 7 days a week for nearly a year)  What I will say is that there is nothing quite like working on your own project and making all the decisions.   I just got done planning the next few weeks of development for the site.    I am incredibly excited to get to work on them and show you guys ideas that I have been cooking up.

I will leave you to this weeks release notes:

  • Player Alert emails now show proper threshold of low, medium, or high
  • Major syncing fix
  • Forum has been killed due to lack of usage and spam
  • jquery has been updated to 1.7
  • New Relic server monitoring just went live and has been installed
  • backend stat tracking has been updated

November 7th Weekly Release Notes

This week’s release notes are mostly fixes for various issues that cropped up over the past week.  However, before I get to those I’d like to mention how FantasySP is doing in terms of traffic.

Not too long ago I made mention that FantasySP had its largest traffic day ever in September.  Well, this has been surpassed several times in October.  In fact, in the past 30 days FantasySP has received nearly 750,000 pageviews.  That is about 100,000 more than last year during the same period of time.  Mind you, this is without the NBA season even starting.  Indeed, this is a historic month for FantasySP.  I’d like to thank you guys for using the site and spreading the word to your friends.  It truly means a lot and I value all of the feedback I get.

Now, onto this weeks release notes:

  • Fixed Manual Imports of rosters where the site did not grab their position and team correctly. (thanks wtapppp)
  • Fixed a source for accurate news collection (twice!)
  • Players no longer show up as listed on IR when searching for them.
  • The Winnipeg Jets are an NHL team, DUH. (thanks for pointing it out Scott)
  • Related stories on columns are now more prominent and more informative.